SKIPPER-POOL let you search for available skippers in a specific sea area. Simply select the desired sea area and date and Skipperpool returns a selection of skippers available. Here is an example: Select Caribbean Sea and set the date to 25.12.2021 ( Use the blue arrow to initiate the search.

Get started, get your skipper at SKIPPER-POOL powered by YACHT-POOL Versicherungsservice GmbH!


Atlantic Salty Dogs

Sensing the vastness of the Atlantic


image-109 Adratic Skippers

Sailing with dolphins and turtles


Turkey Connoisseur

Ancient times on the other side of the Aegean Sea


Archipelago Riders

30.000 Islands are Waiting for You


Channel Specialists

Sailing in the Solent and Around the Isle of Wight


Cape Verde Enthusiasts

Visit the Cape Verde Wales